Where did all the leaders go? - Hazy College Days

Hazy College Days: Where did all the leaders go?
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Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Where did all the leaders go?

We watched some videos in history class the other day about the civil rights movements. Having never been properly educated about the movement, I was blown away.

The people we watched these films on were amazing. They were so alive, and believed completely in their cause. It was almost like they were put on this earth to start and finish this movement for their people. None of the people in the film were bitter either. After all of the harsh and cruel things that were done to them, they were not bitter about the people who did it to them. I think this is what surprised me the most. Hell, half the time, the people were laughing when they talked about being beaten or cursed at.

These films made me question our current society though, where did all of these leaders go to? We need some people in our country to stand up for the little man and find just solutions to our current problems. It seems as if everyone has lost the spirit, the fire that made everyone want to stand up and protect what was theirs and fix the injustices. Maybe it is a good sign though, that all the problems we have are too minimal to cause any real discussions over. But then again, aren't the little problems worth fixing too? Should we disturb the tranquility of our little pond over bad banking practices and corrupt politicians? Or maybe we can continue living comfortably and hope that all of these problems just go away.

Everywhere I look though, it seems that we no longer have these energetic young leaders who are willing to walk through fire just to fix an issue. Where did they all go, and how does our country produce these leaders again?

My teacher also compared the campaign of Kennedy to the campaign of Obama, saying that the two were similar in the amount of excitement surrounding the two candidates. Maybe the sixties are coming back in style, hopefully our excited young leaders will come along with them too. Though I think we could do with a few less hippies this time and more educated American students.

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Laura Wise
Intern, Walt Disney Company: ABCFamily
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